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Asphalt Sealcoating

Driveway and Parking Lot Sealcoating Experts in Miami

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Asphalt Sealcoating Service in Miami

Here at Darco Heavy Equipment, we are the Miami-Dade County’s top seal coating service provider. We combine our great team of asphalt contractors, with a range of quality sealcoating equipment, to provide you with the best asphalt sealing service in Miami.

We offer a wide range of sealing options for all types of asphalt surfaces, including blacktop driveways, parking lots, commercial properties, HOA roading, parking garages, and more!

So if you have an asphalt driveway that’s looking a little dull or a parking lot that could do with a freshen up, give us a call! We have clients all over Miami – we handle residential, commercial, and industrial asphalt jobs.

Get in touch with Miami’s best asphalt company today, and learn about how we can help make your asphalt pavement look new!

Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami


Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami
Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami
Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami
Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami
Darco Heavy Equipment - Asphalt and paving services in Miami

Darco Heavy Equipment gets the job done

You may ask, is sealing asphalt really necessary? To properly answer this question, it’s best to look at the benefits of asphalt seal coating.

Sealcoating protects your asphalt paving from the UV rays

The sun here in South Florida, and Miami especially, is harsh. UV rays can break the binders in asphalt, which can leave the top layer looking dull, and more coarse in appearance.

Sealcoating is an excellent form of preventive maintenance, which can protect vulnerable areas of pavement from these dangerous UV rays, and help preserve the life expectancy of your driveway, parking lot, or road.

Sealcoating protects your asphalt pavement from water penetration

When water seeps into your asphalt pavement, it can create cracks and sinkholes that can not only cost you money in the long term for repairs, but also provide an unsafe driving or walking surface.

Asphalt seal coating is a great way to keep water from entering the top layer of your asphalt paving, because it coats the entire surface with a waterproof barrier. This also stops water from penetrating into and eroding the base layer of limestone underneath the pavement. Once this base layer is compromised, it can lead to other issues like potholes, cracks, and eventually, total asphalt failure.

Sealcoating is a great form of preventative maintenance, that offers excellent protection from water ingression, and saves you money in replacement and repair costs in the long run.

Sealcoating Protects From Oils and Chemicals

A quality asphalt sealer can prevent damage from chemicals and oils. This damage to asphalt is often seen in parking spaces, where oil drips and anti-freeze from vehicles can be seen eroding the top layer of asphalt.

This kind of damage can be avoided with regular driveway sealcoating, and parking lot sealcoating.

Sealcoated Asphalt Looks Amazing!

The effects of sealcoating can be seen immediately. Once the coating is applied, it provides an aesthetic finish that can only be achieved with seal coating.

That beautiful jet-black finish will make your driveway or parking lot look well-loved! It keeps your parking lot looking professional, and your home looking tidy. 

We service Florida from six regional offices. Click to learn more about each location, read reviews, and see aerial photos showcasing our work.

Why choose Darco Heavy Equipment?

Quality Sealcoating Equipment

We use only the best sealcoating equipment on the market.

With our sealcoating service in Miami, you can be confident that your seal coat will last for years to come with minimal upkeep and maintenance required from you. Our asphalt pros use only the best asphalt sealers, to ensure you have the best quality protection for your asphalt driveway, parking lots, or road.

We’re a Professional Sealcoating Company in Miami

Darco Heavy Equipment are professionals with years of experience. Our knowledge and vast array of seal coating equipment ensure we can do a quality job, quickly and efficiently. This enables us to get the job done, and minimize down time for your home or business. This can be especially important for commercial or industrial asphalt – if your customers can’t use your parking lot, they can’t come to you!

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